Changes, Tupac Shakur et la Playlist du Vatican

2pac-rap-music-vatican-tupac-shakur-changes Je viens d’apprendre qu’il existe une Playlist du Vatican c’est-à-dire les chansons qui sont autorisés par le Vatican.

Un nouvel arrivé, 2Pac vient de prendre sa place dans ce palmarès du Vatican. La chanson Changes de 2Pac arrive 10e. Félicitations au Hiphop et au rap qui prend sa place même au Vatican.

Playlist du Vatican

1. Advocata Nostra – Music From The Vatican. From the album Alma Mater featuring the voice of Pope Benedict XVI.

2. Uprising – Muse. Single from the album, The Resistance.

3. Causa Nostrae Laetitiae – Music From The Vatican. From the album Alma Mater.

4. Il Mare Mi Salva – Rossomalpelo. Song from the band led by contemporary Italian singer songwriter Serge Gaggiotti

5. After The Rain – Dame Shirley Bassey. From the album The Performance.

6. Coexist – Nour Eddine. Song from Moroccan Musician, based in Italy.

7. Don Giovanni – Mozart.

8. Rafaele Merry Del Val – Lorenzo Perosi Inni Mottetti e Canzoni, Pablo Colino & Coro Academica Filarmonica Romana.

9. He Doesn’t Know Why – Fleet Foxes.

10. ChangesTupac Shakur.

11. Regina Coeli – Music From The Vatican. From the album Alma Mater.

12. Mi sarete Testimoni – Santo Subito! (DVD). Music DVD embodying the voice and image of The Pope



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